Where is God when the world falls apart? Stefan Gustavsson, Christian Hofreiter

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Where is God when the world falls apart?
European Virtual Veritas Forum, April 14 2020
The Forum is organized jointly by the Veritas Forums of Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark and Albania.
The pandemic caused by the coronavirus inflicts suffering, anxiety and economic losses. People are getting sick, they are ordered to stay at home and some are losing their jobs. For some, family life is further burdened when children have to study online from home and parents need to work from home. There appears to be simply not enough time for ordinary duties. Some, on the other hand, have too much time in their hands. Schools and universities are closed, and rarely friends can be seen. Maybe there is no one to visit or no one can visit you.
One effect of all this might be that the basic questions about the meaning of life, suffering and whether there is anything after death are asked more frequently than before.
Stefan Gustavsson (SWE), Director for Apologia - Centre for Christian Apologetics
Christian Hofreiter (AUS), Director - Germany, Austria, Switzerland - Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Moderator: Froukje van Koeveringe-de Jong (NL), Veritas Forum coordinator
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