What Power Lens in Your Archery Scope?


#OnTheLine 4.5 - Lens Power Chart
Archers are constantly asking each other what works best for their setup. Knowing exactly what the components of the optical system are is critical to defining what works and what dosent. Back in the early days of Feather Vision our founder and technical expert Chuck Cooley Archer was asked to work with the leaders of the industry at the time to help develop a lens marking standard so consumers could be on the same page and make informed buying decisions.
This week's episode of #OnTheLine delves into that standard and how to use it to determine youre best setup to achieve the best results!.
Feather Vision is the exclusive archery scope lens supplier in the USA using 100% ZEISS Better Vision materials and coatings technology for the purest, truest, brightest optics in archery!
If you have a question you'd like covered call or message the topics and questions you have and I'll do my best to get a video done just for you!
Thanks, I'll see you...#OnTheLine - Chuck Cooley

