What is the impact of the corporate tax rate?

'Kudlow' panelists Michael Faulkender and Scott Hodge react to President Biden proposing a raise on the corporate tax rate.
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Пікірлер: 154

  • @micheal_mills
    @micheal_mills8 күн бұрын

    The utilization of after-tax money and tax-free growth makes opening a Roth IRA very advantageous. Through a careful guidance of my FA, I did not pay taxes on my withdrawals of $2.86 million when I retired.

  • @donna_martins


    8 күн бұрын

    I don't regret the numerous financial mistakes I've made in the past since I've learnt from them. But the biggest one was planning my finances without consulting with a licensed financial counsel.

  • @robert-1miller


    8 күн бұрын

    Indeed, I did make use of a financial counselor. As I get closer to retirement, their advice has been really helpful. I thought compound interest on index funds wouldn't be sufficient because I started late. It's amusing how I've done better than colleagues who have more years of investment experience. I've profited more than $886k tax free.

  • @Trevor_Morrow_LTD


    8 күн бұрын

    To be honest, I've been wary of banks for a while, but I wasn't sure how to speak with an advisor first. Please let me know who your adviser is if it's okay; I need some recommendations.

  • @robert-1miller


    8 күн бұрын

    Vivian Jean Wilhelm a highly respected figure in her field. I suggest delving deeper into her credentials, as she possesses extensive experience and serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance in navigating the financial market.

  • @Trevor_Morrow_LTD


    8 күн бұрын

    Thank you so much for your helpful tip! I was able to verify the person and book a call session with her. She seems very proficient and I'm really grateful for your guidance

  • @FrankGallagherr
    @FrankGallagherr8 күн бұрын

    $525 billion to Ukraine and $700 to Maui that’s your president America you voted for.

  • @ernestclary6035


    8 күн бұрын

    Nothing new- we been supporting the world forever-Republicans and Democrats

  • @rayrussell6258


    8 күн бұрын

    good money well spent on Ukraine, we don't need to send troops, they will fight their own battle; lol $700 for Maui is cheap, who will miss $700? lol

  • @user-eb7nz8op9d


    8 күн бұрын


  • @jryecart8017


    7 күн бұрын

    Fact Check: Biden Brags About Deficit Reduction While Adding Nearly $10 Trillion in New Spending When it comes to deficit reduction, the Biden White House says one thing and does another. The Biden Administration - including the President - has repeatedly claimed that he is all about reducing deficits: BIDEN claims he’s tackling inflation and deficit spending, he brags about the so-called Inflation Reduction Act - a $745 billion spending spree just enacted that will add $146 billion to the debt and only make the inflation crisis worse. He has singlehandedly created over $1 trillion in new spending through executive actions without even a vote by Congress. Clearly, the President’s agenda prioritizes a massive tax and spending spree that gives Washington more command and control no matter the price tag or cost to the American people.” Democrats’ Spending Spree Biden and Washington Democrats have embarked on a massive spending spree, blowing up the taxpayer credit card. Under their watch, spending has increased by nearly $10 trillion including: American Rescue Plan: $1.9 trillion ARP’s Massive Trail of Waste Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act: $625 billion The Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act: Offset Shortfall Inflation Reduction Act: $745 billion* Fact Sheet: Democrats’ Inflation Act *Only after Democrats failed to increase spending by an additional $5 trillion as part of their Build Back Better agenda Biden’s Executive Actions: $1+ trillion ^^^ source, BUDGET COMMITTEE

  • 7 күн бұрын

    Agenda 2030

  • @perfectionist724
    @perfectionist7248 күн бұрын

    Larry kudlow. My favorite business guy

  • @UncleBobo
    @UncleBobo8 күн бұрын

    The corporate tax rate is irrelevant as no corporation PAYS income taxes. Corporations COLLECT taxes from the sales to their customers. Their customers PAY the taxes in the form of higher prices or smaller sizes or both.

  • @Tom-ym7bm


    8 күн бұрын

    Mark 12.17

  • @mysticmapleaf7368


    8 күн бұрын

    Yeah you sound dhumb

  • @Skindiver986


    8 күн бұрын

    The consumer pays

  • @DavidJones-ke6kt


    8 күн бұрын


  • @Tom-ym7bm


    8 күн бұрын

    @@Skindiver986 but there is a problem with inflation

  • @AlmasAwan-yv9li
    @AlmasAwan-yv9li8 күн бұрын

    I sympathize with many people who had no knowledge of digital marketing because currently dollar is unstable and coin is taking over to be the universal currency

  • @Harper66482


    8 күн бұрын

    Hearing it last week got me scared so I agree with you! Investing puts money to work. The only reason to save money is to invest it

  • @SelenNelson


    8 күн бұрын

    In my opinion, Knox jarrati's strategy is the gold standard right now, and I suggest it to anyone starting out because of its excellence and widespread recognition."

  • @tate_man


    8 күн бұрын

    This is correct, Knox jarrati strategy has normalized winning trades for me also and it's a huge milestone for me looking back to how it all started

  • @BabuRathud


    8 күн бұрын

    I have been seeing lots of testimonies about her. She must be very good for people to talk so well about her

  • @tate_man


    8 күн бұрын

    What I appreciate about Knox jarrati is her ability to tailor strategies to individual needs. She recognizes that each investors has unique goals and risk tolerances and she adapts her advice accordingly

  • @yimb8437
    @yimb84378 күн бұрын

    I have worked in Fortune 500 Corporate Tax for decades. Executives are far more concerned about there being a level playing field than the cuts themselves. They want a competitive rate that doesn't disadvantage them against foreign competition. They don't want tax breaks going to domestic competition that they are disqualified from for some arbitrary reason (such as politicians trying to benefit companies with a heavy presence in their state). The rate itself is somewhat arbitrary if these requirements are met.

  • @Opinionsrnotfacts574


    8 күн бұрын

    Yet US corporations are declaring bumper profits. The US provides the best corporate environment for businesses to thrive in the G7. Enough tax cuts.

  • @gen_z_hippichikk
    @gen_z_hippichikk8 күн бұрын

    Wait, let me guess…. the corporation thinks corporate taxes should be…. LOWER?

  • @louisenglish8069


    8 күн бұрын

    Wouldn't you want to keep more of what you earn?

  • @ernestclary6035


    8 күн бұрын

    I was keeping 17% more in my pocket till trump imposed 17% tariffs on imports now everything I buy at Walmart costs 17% more. So trump gave corps tax cuts then put it right back on us.

  • @louisenglish8069


    8 күн бұрын

    @@ernestclary6035 We were trying to correct unfair trade practices China had been taking advantage of for decades. Plus, I'd pray for a tariff "tax" over the current Bidenomics disaster any day

  • @gen_z_hippichikk


    8 күн бұрын

    @@louisenglish8069 I don’t want to be a rich person in a poor country. Trump increased the budget deficit by 375%.

  • @louisenglish8069


    8 күн бұрын

    @@gen_z_hippichikk Fair enough. Don't worry, you won't be alone not being rich. Bidenomics is quite effectively making us all poor people in a poor, vulnerable country. So you are getting your wish there. Hey, as long as orange man is not in office though, right? That's what matters.

  • @populustremula7496
    @populustremula74968 күн бұрын

    The impact of the corporate tax rate is that the lower it is the more money gets “donated” to Republican election campaigns by the corporations.

  • @georgerehak1424
    @georgerehak14248 күн бұрын

    All taxes on business are passed on to consumers. Nobody should fall for “Pay your fair shall.” No one goes into business or gets a job in order to pay more taxes.

  • @scott21784
    @scott217848 күн бұрын

    You guys needs to cut the Federal tax rate for states with income tax.

  • @helluvastart
    @helluvastart8 күн бұрын

    the difference between Sweden and USA, Sweden corporations pay 20% tax , and the US corporations dont. So the assumption is if the congress make 28 % corporate tax , the corporations will pay 5%. So the corporate tax would be lower than in Europe

  • @mysticmapleaf7368


    8 күн бұрын

    Yeah that isn’t how it works.

  • @helluvastart


    7 күн бұрын

    @@mysticmapleaf7368 it does. Why do you think they have great infrastructure, great education and health care system ( free) No housing crises. Whereas, the USA has nothing , but debts. our cities look like Tegucigalpa after the war. The billionaire class owns 34 trillion dollars and our debt is 34 trillion dollars.

  • @mysticmapleaf7368


    7 күн бұрын

    @@helluvastart I don’t disagree with what you are saying in terms of them having better everything. I do disagree with your math on the corp tax though. We have been asleep so long that we let our leaders squander and steal our money that should be spend for our benefit. The military is nothing other than a mercenary force for the elite. It’s a pretty effed up meas

  • @tiofelioabito8820
    @tiofelioabito88208 күн бұрын

    As long as they pay it. No loopholes.

  • @jryecart8017


    7 күн бұрын

    Biden’s Policies Harm American Workers & Small Businesses ^^ Key Background: Fewer Jobs Created Than Reported: 10,000 fewer jobs were created in April and 5,000 fewer jobs were created in March. Bureaucrats First: 43,000 government jobs were created compared to only 8,000 manufacturing jobs. Workers Staying on Sidelines: The current labor force participation rate (62.5 percent) is still below the pre-pandemic rate (63.3 percent). “Bidenomics” Failures: Prices have increased 19.9 percent since President Biden took office. Real wages and benefits have fallen 4.4 percent since President Biden took office. Weak Economy: The economy continues to be weighed down by ‘Bidenomics,’ with the Bureau of Economic Analysis newly estimating the economy grew a sluggish 1.3 percent in the first quarter of 2024, a full three points lower than forecasted. Inflation Higher Than Wages: Inflation outpaced wages for 26 straight months of Biden’s presidency. Historic Interest Rates: Under President Biden, interest rates hit their highest levels in 23 years at 7.8 percent. Doubled Mortgage Costs: The monthly mortgage payment for a median priced new home has increased by $1,171 and is 103 percent higher than when President Biden took office in January 2021. $1 Trillion+ Credit Card Debt: Credit card interest rates are at the highest level in more than three decades, while consumer credit debt has exceeded $1 trillion for the second calendar quarter and the number of Americans struggling to pay credit card bills has increased to the highest level in 12 years. Shrinking Savings: Thanks to higher prices, families have spent the entirety of their pandemic savings by 2024 and they are able to save less of their income. The savings rate dropped to 3.2 percent, the lowest in nearly two years. Families Falling Behind on Bills: Over one-third of families (37 percent) paid a late fee in the past year. ^^^ source, WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE

  • @MeetMikeMiller
    @MeetMikeMiller8 күн бұрын

    If this logic of lowering taxes was like lowering prices, this logic creates higher inventory turns and thus more profits or in this case more tax revenue for the treasury. Business 101

  • @wishbone103
    @wishbone1038 күн бұрын

    So does lower Corp. tax mean that corporations will raise wages or is it just an option. Higher wages means a more booming economy.

  • @roberth1148
    @roberth11488 күн бұрын

    Corporations got a huge windfall tax break and what did they do raised prices,stock buybacks and huge raises for their ceos

  • 7 күн бұрын

    and the politicians get stock options in return its all by design

  • @jamesbrent2504
    @jamesbrent25048 күн бұрын

    An unrealized capital gains tax at federal level is unconstitutional. Income is taxable, not ownership. It's also impractical administratively because of fluctuating values necessitating refunds periodically. It would also tank the market every time taxpayers sell shares to pay the tax. Congress would be idiotic to vote for this.

  • @rayrussell6258


    8 күн бұрын

    there is nothing in the Constitution making capital gains in any form not taxable. You "wishing it" does not make it so! You think ...... that Ownership is not taxable? Property tax is a part of the Constitution (see Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, where such taxation is broadly defined. You are wrong both ways. Later, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution added income tax to the types of tax allowed by government. You have no foundation to argue that capital gains are not taxable income.

  • @Skindiver986


    8 күн бұрын

    @@rayrussell6258 I know you think you’re smart, but we’re talking about unrealized capital games something you have not even taken ownership of yet which would be a disaster. There would be absolutely no incentive left to save for your future.

  • @rayrussell6258


    7 күн бұрын

    @@Skindiver986 if price falls in future, it offsets prior gains, there's no disadvantage in this, you just want to be negative about change. When I first was elligible for my Company's stock investment plan, the rules at the time said the stock vested in 2-years. I hadn't "taken ownership" during that 2-years, I just had cash in the account. At the point of vesting, I was required to pay taxes on the market gain during the period, even though I was not selling the stock when it vested. The stock value went up and down a few times in future years. I had to keep track of that, and report gains and losses every year. Further complicating the picture, each year I invested in the plan was a different tier to track. It really got to be a pain doing the paperwork, so I stopped investing in the stock plan and started contributing to another savings plan, and I disagree with you that the tax on gains and losses had any change on my retirement savings. I'm experience in how this really works, I'm not making unfounded opinion.

  • @rayrussell6258


    7 күн бұрын

    @Skindiver986 if price falls in future, it offsets prior gains, there's no disadvantage in this, you just want to be negative about change. When I first was elligible for my Company's stock investment plan, the rules at the time said the stock vested in 2-years. I hadn't "taken ownership" during that 2-years, I just had cash in the account. At the point of vesting, I was required to pay taxes on the market gain during the period, even though I was not selling the stock when it vested. The stock value went up and down a few times in future years. I had to keep track of that, and report gains and losses every year. Further complicating the picture, each year I invested in the plan was a different tier to track. It really got to be a pain doing the paperwork, so I stopped investing in the stock plan and started contributing to another savings plan, and I disagree with you that the tax on gains and losses had any change on my retirement savings. I'm experience in how this really works, I'm not making unfounded opinion.

  • @rayrussell6258


    7 күн бұрын

    @@Skindiver986 @Skindiver986 if price falls in future, it offsets prior gains, there's no disadvantage in this, you just want to be negative about change. When I first was elligible for my Company's stock investment plan, the rules at the time said the stock vested in 2-years. I hadn't "taken ownership" during that 2-years, I just had cash in the account. At the point of vesting, I was required to pay taxes on the market gain during the period, even though I was not selling the stock when it vested. The stock value went up and down a few times in future years. I had to keep track of that, and report gains and losses every year. Further complicating the picture, each year I invested in the plan was a different tier to track. It really got to be a pain doing the paperwork, so I stopped investing in the stock plan and started contributing to another savings plan, and I disagree with you that the tax on gains and losses had any change on my retirement savings. I'm experience in how this really works, I'm not making unfounded opinion.

  • @Kimm.J
    @Kimm.J8 күн бұрын

    Every single place you pause the vid- Poor Larry is making the pooping face😂

  • @jryecart8017


    8 күн бұрын

    DEMOCRATS praise for convicted murderer & torture expert, DONNA HYLTON, that they hoisted her to spokesperson at 2020 DNC

  • @snapfinger1
    @snapfinger18 күн бұрын

    If the CEO’s return to skimming, outrageous salaries & golden parachutes, the GOP will be cooked. Get this right.

  • @Tom-ym7bm


    8 күн бұрын

    What ?!

  • @Aleksandras477
    @Aleksandras4778 күн бұрын

    With 15% tax rate then jobs makers can rise workers wages and invest more to upgrade technologies which they use !.

  • 7 күн бұрын


  • @kennethstillabower8256
    @kennethstillabower82567 күн бұрын

    Trickle up economics

  • @evzenhlinovsky7082
    @evzenhlinovsky70828 күн бұрын

    Then is on the level of germany: no competive any more

  • @dennishungerford4146
    @dennishungerford41467 күн бұрын

    Price o Gold still holding inflation base

  • @davidschneider6306
    @davidschneider63068 күн бұрын

    Larry thinks corporations should be tax exempt. Taxes are for the working slobs.

  • @darrenhill3514


    8 күн бұрын

    False. You obviously know nothing about economics and only know your subjective BS feelings.

  • @davidschneider6306


    8 күн бұрын

    @@darrenhill3514 truth hurts, darren?

  • @et34t34fdf


    7 күн бұрын

    ​@@darrenhill3514You are not a real person.

  • @et34t34fdf


    7 күн бұрын

    ​@@davidschneider6306you say "Darren", as if it is an actual person, it doesn't qualify as one.

  • @tomm7774
    @tomm77748 күн бұрын

    Manufacturing plants continue to go to Mexico or China.

  • @greensombrero3641
    @greensombrero36418 күн бұрын

    people voted for biden and will continue to do so - incredible

  • @bojik2616
    @bojik26168 күн бұрын

    What we need is fine retooling for business. Over a certain size it's a cheaper cost than doing things right. Many need to be turned into a % of company assessed value or gross earnings. Like a lot of super rich people speed like mad. Once you make over a certain threshold a lot of fines and costs become meaningless. Evil and stupid should hurt not be more profitable.

  • @michaelanderson3096
    @michaelanderson30968 күн бұрын

    Trump's labour policies: Universal tariff rates + Right to Work legislation + low corporate tax rates = lots of manufacturing jobs.

  • @louisenglish8069
    @louisenglish80698 күн бұрын

    Tax and spend, never worked, but idiotically still trying

  • @ernestclary6035


    8 күн бұрын

    I noticed when I pay my bills they charge me tax- should they just pocket that.

  • @omarfierros4973
    @omarfierros49738 күн бұрын

    Fox Business stop: Black No for Donald J Trump vote MAGA 2024!!

  • @mysticmapleaf7368


    8 күн бұрын

    Get off YT you ignorant khunt

  • @jameskirk5906
    @jameskirk59068 күн бұрын

    Larry know the Dow is exaggerated by 15,000+ pts

  • @gen_z_hippichikk


    8 күн бұрын

    “We have plenty of theories, we just don’t have any evidence.” -Rudy G

  • @Carlos-ru7vj
    @Carlos-ru7vj8 күн бұрын

    Sweten, comparable Sociéty dimensions

  • @jccarriere3719
    @jccarriere37198 күн бұрын

    Last time, the dept grew to 8 billion in 4 yrars by Trump!!!

  • @darrenhill3514
    @darrenhill35148 күн бұрын

    Get rid of all income taxes and corporate taxes and do a 7% national sales tax. Revenue to pay for programs will blow the doors off current income tax revenue and people will have voluntarily done it. It's as if government doesn't want people to save money or have money to spend to spur our economy. The world would benefit as well, tremendously.

  • @rayrussell6258


    8 күн бұрын

    sales tax is unfair to low and middle income people, and it's a gravy-train giveaway to the rich. Poor people would get poorer, rich would be even richer. That is of NO benefit to the world. Sales taxes should be abolished, not expanded. People who make more money should pay more tax, not those who make less money. The economy would tank, because most people would slow down spending, knowing they have to pay sales tax on evereything.

  • @greggwilliams116
    @greggwilliams1168 күн бұрын

    I do Blame Biden for all his inept moves, but I blame the people who voted for him more.

  • 7 күн бұрын

    this is nothing but IGNORANCE!!! spewing nonsense to try and convince you SHEOPLE that taxing corporations is somehow a bad thing!!!! WAKE UP THESE POLITICIANS MAKE THEIR MONEY DEALING BEHIND THE SCENES WITH THESE LARGE COMPANIES

  • @tomtrue1562
    @tomtrue15628 күн бұрын

    We now know who pulls the strings for Brandon, and it's Oblabla! Remember, he said the GDP will be 3% per year, so get used to it!

  • @michelestone3194
    @michelestone31948 күн бұрын

    O P M

  • @user-er6vf7dk8n
    @user-er6vf7dk8n8 күн бұрын

    Yeah, Tax the Tax! LoL! Then, cut taxes; and look good while im filing for Bankruptcy! LoL! Then, tax my bankruptcy! Is that even legal ! ? Wait, who' cares, we will make it law too! LoL! 😅😢😂😂

  • @freedomfight989
    @freedomfight9898 күн бұрын

    When you put your socialist communist hat on it all makes perfect sense.

  • @2023Red
    @2023Red8 күн бұрын

    Larry. I totally agree!

  • @KerryKraemer-ck6hz
    @KerryKraemer-ck6hz8 күн бұрын

    I'll tell you this prior to my start of y tube videos, noe When you are on the street, aka outdoors and you haven't eaten not like geo. Benson street life, I mean like hungry, so somebody fronts you someoney via your sign on the street, you guy some tobacco and something to eat, now whole you are eating you wonder am I going to eat again soon you finish your meal but you are still hungelru, people who have not been there Ron know this bit it was ales 4 meals at least to realiz you r in myrtle right s yoje hot dog y tube uos a black man fed this white joy to ithe a Jackson Toni e.. all you all from the 94 th congress sleep good brothers in arms right ?

  • @FlowerEmpress
    @FlowerEmpress8 күн бұрын

    TRUMP 🇺🇸2024.

  • @billmundell4512
    @billmundell45128 күн бұрын

    the more businesses pay in taxes two things happen. One the price of the product/service goes up for the costumer. Two less money to pay to the people who own stock in that company. So you people who own stock and complain that companies should pay more in tax. YOU are hypocrites.

  • @ernestclary6035


    8 күн бұрын

    Trumps tariffs were passed on to consumers 17% if it’s really $$ you are concerned with

  • @stephengibson3944
    @stephengibson39448 күн бұрын

    Another screw up for our Joey boy

  • @ScottShep-rt9le
    @ScottShep-rt9le8 күн бұрын

    Trump 2024

  • @tcdirks
    @tcdirks8 күн бұрын

    Wow! Larry has been drinking in prime time again. He must be such a terrible alcoholic to drink on national television

  • @cheftekniqakabuletteborn8127
    @cheftekniqakabuletteborn81278 күн бұрын

    they called trump a rambling gaff

  • @legaleeblonde4310


    8 күн бұрын

    You called someone a piggie and you're a chef. 😂😂😂

  • @legaleeblonde4310


    8 күн бұрын

    Do you taste the food you send out with that mouth?

  • @alanferdinandus7820
    @alanferdinandus78208 күн бұрын

    I gues Biden hasn't a clue

  • @ernestclary6035


    8 күн бұрын

    So far he didn’t impose tariffs that came back to cost consumers
