What is the "Hidden Curriculum" in Your Workplace or School?

This video is about the concept of the hidden curriculum that I learned about in ‪@HarvardEducation‬'s "How People Learn" and "Equity & Identity: Gender & Sexuality" classes. I was SO thrilled when I read this because it finally gave me the words to describe so much of what I see play out in culinary schools, kitchens, and workplaces all across the country.
I have tons and tons more examples, but couldn't fit them into 90 seconds. One particularly salient one across all contexts is conflict avoidance - think about what instances of a "hidden curriculum" have shaped your own fear of conflict. Perhaps at school, your teacher would sidestep any student conflict and just move on to the next topic; or any conflict was immediately escalated to the principal, raising the stakes even if the actual issue was relatively minor.
Many more videos to come, stay tuned!
