What is Phobia & Types of Phobia? Urdu / Hindi

This video cover the topic of Phobia & Types of Phobia with easy examples in Urdu & Hindi.
Meaning of Phobia.
Definition of Phobia.
Explained Phobia.
What is Phobia.
Phobia in Hindi.
Phobia in Urdu.
Types of Phobia.
Kind of of Phobia.
Following Major Types of Phobia:
1. animal phobias - such as dogs, spiders, snakes or rodents.
2. environmental phobias - such as heights, deep water and germs.
3. situational phobias - such as visiting the dentist or flying.
4. bodily phobias - such as blood, vomit or having injections.
#Phobia #Types_Phobanimal phobias - such as dogs, spiders, snakes or rodents.
environmental phobias - such as heights, deep water and germs.
situational phobias - such as visiting the dentist or flying.
bodily phobias - such as blood, vomit or having injections.

