What is Open Strategy? (Webinar with Julia Hautz and Stephan Friedrich)

Foundstone Advisory hosted this Open Strategy webinar on the 30th of August with the co-authors of the Open Strategy book, Julia Hautz and Stephan Friedrich von den Eichen.
There were attendees from all over the globe - in Europe, Asia, and all over Australia.
In this webinar we shed more light on Open Strategy, and addressed some of the frequently asked questions related to Open Strategy.
So... why Open Strategy?
These are some of the points we talked about.
1. 67% of traditional strategic plans fail
- So why wouldn't we be looking for an alternative.
2. Open Strategy is not a free-for-all
- Leaders still retain the final decision making
3. It's not a brand new concept
- Some leaders and organisations already do this
- Open Strategy is a way of articulating this effective approach
4. It relates to design-thinking
-Starting by defining what problem we're solving & bringing in outside perspectives
5. Mindset - not a silver bullet
- Starts with the right leadership mindset
- It's not just a tool or some magical formula
00:00 Introduction
01:18 Agenda
02:34 Panel introduction
04:56 Scene set - Why Open Strategy?
08:15 What is and isn't Open Strategy?
13:50 Evolution and future of Open Strategy
18:40 Why Open Strategy is getting traction/resistance
24:10 Outcomes and examples of Open Strategy
31:29 What are the preconditions of Open Strategy?
37:45 What are the "baby steps" to take to implement Open Strategy?
43:44 Are there situations where Open Strategy would be unsuitable?
48:12 How do you bridge the front-line staff with the C-level?
50:25 Wrap up and resources
51:53 Next steps - Strategy Assessment
