What is lupus and how to identify it? | லூபஸ் என்றால் என்ன? லூபஸை எவ்வாறு கண்டறிவது?

What is lupus?
Lupus is an autoimmune disease. Lupus can affect any organs or nerves.
Who is affected by lupus?
It usually affects young women between the age of 15-30. It is rare among men and children.
What are the symptoms of lupus?
Continuous fever for months, pain in the small joints without inflammation, butterfly rash in the face, hair loss and more.
How is lupus diagnosed?
Blood tests like ANA and complement blood tests are used to diagnose lupus in people who exhibit the symptoms.
How is lupus treated?
The treatment is suggested depending on the severity of the condition.
Watch Dr. Sham, Consultant Rheumatologist from Kauvery Hospital talk about lupus and the ways to identify it.
00:00 - 00:13 Introduction
00:14 - 00:35 What is lupus (SLE)?
00:36 - 00:56 Who are at the risk of getting affected by lupus?
00:57 - 01:34 What are the symptoms of lupus?
01:35 - 01:49 Diagnostic tests for lupus
01:50 - 02:54 Treatment for lupus
02:55 - 03:27 Awareness through World lupus day
Listen on Podcast: kauveryhospital.podbean.com/e...
#LupusAwareness #AutoimmuneDisease #ChronicIllness #LupusWarrior #LupusSupport #LivingWithLupus #LupusCommunity #LupusFight #LupusJourney #LupusResearch #kauveryhospital #Treatmentforlupus #Worldlupusday

