What blocks us and why do we suffer?

You create your day through your heart, through your choices, through your goals.
Choose motivating phrases to be your resource. Create for yourself little charging moments. Calm your mind; master the emotion. Choose how to be a guide to yourself. You have all the power you need to do so. Because as we can choose to hurt ourselves, choose to be afraid, choose to see the negative, the problems. So, we can choose to see the other things, the benefits, the positive, our growth, our success, the silence, the little smile in us. Everything is a choice, you are the ones, you choose. I'm glad we're together. Today I want to talk a little bit about how to stop hurting ourselves so much.How to reduce this stress and rising anxiety, uncertainty, which increases our inner fear and lack of confidence in ourselves. Some of you have written to me that they very much liked the words and messages related to a revision of the past, a revision of our thoughts, a revision of how we behave and act. This revision is about giving ourselves a space in which each one of us can work on him/herself. You are the ones who will choose how much time you will spend and how you will immerse yourself in the process.You have every opportunity to act, to do the steps, the exercises, the guidelines, the advice I give you to see how you experience them, how they will pass through you, how they will be useful to you, what they will open up as a point of view and a thoughtfulness. We're all in the process of personal work. There is no one who does not look at the various obstacles that life today opens for each one of us. Do not worry that now time opens up many more new difficulties and losses that are so close to us. When the time comes and things open up this way, it means we've grown enough, worked on everything in our lives, read a lot of things, read still newer that are coming out. We're being inquisitive. We have already acquired the opportunity to work with truth, with honesty, with limiting patterns, with fears, with negativity that we have blocked from ourselves, with the lie that we have unconsciously created for ourselves, to look at the deep levels of the subconscious. Now is the time for the ending of illusions, to enter into revelation, to take personal responsibility. This year is all about the awareness of responsibility, personal responsibility, personal boundaries, personal fingerprints of karma, the fate of the choices that I make. This is my path, which I leave behind through my words, through my loyalty, through respect, through well-being, through help, through the clear boundary of saying, “Yes and no”. We shouldn't be afraid of saying 'No' when we want to say it because that's how we feel it. We do not have to always comply with other people’s requirements and needs. We have the inner knowledge. Where we get too loaded, when we burden ourselves with unnecessary demands and responsibilities. Now it is time for this comprehensive revision that we all carry out together, each on his/her path, with his/her own life of connections and choices. 
