Welcome to my Ted talk | Getting first ticket | Achieving my goals over time…


What’s going on M🌍B , this week’s video is another open thoughts vlog. I tried to keep it short and sweet for you guys, giving u all the game/information you need to succeed and not make the same mistake I have made. Only thing I ask you guys to do for me and yourselves this week is to talk to god, start building a relationship with him. if you have any problems or just unsure about the steps you need to take to be a better version of yourself; he will help and guide you to become that.
From someone who barely believed in him, to someone who has complete faith in every decision he makes. He listens to every word you speak towards him, he knows where your heart and mind are really at. He accepts all who are willing to overcome the past and give their unconditional love and faith towards him.
I hope you guys enjoyed the vlog this week, if you are going through something keep pushing. Ik the days are dark and heavy rn but I promise it’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Dont give up pls.
If you need someone to talk to im here, I’ll personally contact you and listen to you speak about the problems that are affecting you. your WHY its affecting you.
“I love you, but god loves you more”
Psalm 23:4 ❤️

