Welcome to Life Thoughts!

Welcome to Life Thoughts Coaching!
I remember when I met with an old friend of my father. She was a world-renowned psychologist. We spoke for a few minutes, and then she said, “Looking at you, Robert, I can see you are at peace with yourself.”
I just sat there dumbfounded. The last I would have said to myself was that I was at peace with myself.
To me, my life was more like a constant battle, rather than peaceful.
I asked her what gave her that impression. “I can see it in your eyes.”
Now I honestly cannot tell you if I was stoned that day, because back then, well, you get the picture.
After thanking her and saying goodbye, I left and headed home. The whole way, what she had said was running through my thoughts like it was on a loop.
I thought about it and decided that perhaps I was overly hard on myself, and began to believe what she said.
I’m telling you that it took a lot of hard work. I was in therapy at the time, so that made it easier.
Over time I did succeed in finding peace of mind.
I want you to know it is achievable. If someone sees it, don’t fight it. It is real and possible for you to believe. Take the time to do the work, and see the results.
I have your back!
As always, be nice, be safe and laugh a lot!
Follow me on Instagram @RobertKahn, KZread: @RobertKahn47, Facebook: @bo.kahn, LinkedIn: @robert-bob-kahn, and TikTok: @robertbobkahn
#life thoughtscoaching #lifeinsights #createagoodlife #beinggrateful #gratitude
