Week 8 - live Java - Methods on Collections

This week we’ll have a look at all the methods on the collections we discussed last week.
- Methods on collections
- Methods on collections
www.programiz.com/java-progra... www.javatpoint.com/collection...
If you have any questions about the content, please write them under the corresponding KZread video. The questions that are asked most will be discussed in the Saturday session. You can also ask your direct team members and the other participants. Please help each other as much as possible, if you see a question you know the answer too, please answer 😊 We’re doing this together!
- Continue working from last week’s project
- Add the items to your collections (preferably in a loop)
- Check the size of your collections and print these to the console
- Use your collection in a foreach loop to print information about all the elements in the collection
- Create a map in the tournament that stores the winners and losers in two keys with type list (generic team)

