Webisode 5 of 5: Effective Approaches to Meet Community Needs

Five-part webisode series for state leaders on social and emotional learning (SEL) and career and workforce development. Webisode five features: Stanley Litow (Duke University), Dr. Teri Lawler (Delaware Department of Education), Luke Rhine (Delaware Department of Education), and Dr. Damien Sweeney (Kentucky State Department of Education).
Key takeaways:
Develop a strong foundation for SEL.
Honor evidence-based SEL practices.
Plan for high-leverage points across teams.
Ensure resource supports for every learner.
Bridging SEL and career and workforce development is a win-win. By promoting the social and emotional development of all students, they are given rich opportunities to explore and practice new skills in a broad array of career fields.
Thank you for Learning Policy Institute for supporting the production of these conversations.
