Webinar: Paul Romer on how to re-start the economy after COVID-19

On Friday, April 3, 2020, Nobel laureate Paul Romer joined the Princeton Bendheim Center for Finance for a seminar on the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and strategies for re-starting the economy once social distancing measures are lifted. Paul Romer is a Professor of Economics at New York University. The webinar began with introductions by Markus Brunnermeier, Director of Princeton's Bendheim Center for Finance.
Learn more about the COVID-19 webinar series organized by Markus Brunnermeier: bcf.princeton.edu/event-direc...
Jump to video chapters:
Markus Brunnermeier introduction: 0:00
Beginning of Romer presentation: 6:08
COVID-19 crisis in relation to the Financial Crisis of 2007-8: 9:33
A more efficient strategy: 13:16
Developing countries: 24:01
Masks, testing and contact tracing: 28:52
Learning from other countries: 48:13
Audience questions: 51:09

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