we live in a simulation, the mandela effect is real..it was indeed an inside job..

On this episode we take a deeper dive into the mind of FEARSTEEZ! from conspiracy theories to the meaning of life we peel back a few layers and learn more about the consciousness of that powers your favorite rapper...get your tin foil hats ready.

Пікірлер: 8

  • @TheRitoBandito
    @TheRitoBandito4 ай бұрын

    Questions: Do you believe in Ghosts or Spirits? 01:10 I love the idea of spooky boys just vibing Are we in a Simulation? 01:31 IDK about yall, but my simulation is physics based Do we have free will or is everything set in stone? 04:01 This hurts my brain to think about. Do you believe in reincarnation? 05:04 Plants can propagate themselves. One sprout can become a mighty tree. So maybe? Was 9/11 an inside job? 07:15 Idk man, im just a raccoon on the internet Do you believe in the mandala effect? 08:31 I am a very suggestable person with dog wwater memory, if it is real, It wouldnt make any difference to me. You should make your 30 minute video on your theory!

  • @fearsteez


    4 ай бұрын

    Quite convincing but where were YOU on the date of September 11, 2001 mr. “racoon” 🤔🧐

  • @EnceladusSentinel
    @EnceladusSentinel4 ай бұрын

    Im curious about what happens after this "simulation" ends, it could repeat itself and i only say that because "dejavu" exist; i often see a small portion of my future in my dreams, and i always keep asking myself if life and death are just a cycle that repeats itself over and over and i dont often see a purpose for it, perhaps we are here just to learn what to do and what not to do? and it repeats over and over until the simulation breaks? or maybe until we decide to not to come back? maybe we are just being forced to being here?

  • @fearsteez


    4 ай бұрын

    I feel that! I think of it like the universe/source/god is basically experiencing existence through us in a sense. Almost in the same way that your senses take in information from stimuli and feed it to your brain which you then digest and define an experience from (nerves feel heat > heat burn > experience defined as bad) So at the base level I think that is the only definable purpose of this sim in the broadest sense. In the same way that if one of your cells questioned why it was here, the answer would be to perpetuate the existence/experience of a higher being to which it is connected but can’t fully perceive . If that makes sense? But for us, I think the purpose we derive from this sim is the chance to gain full control of the consciousness. It’s my philosophy that consciousness is pretty much our singular greatest possession.. our ability not only to perceive and experience but more importantly to define and examine these experiences as we see fit is the the heart of our projection/sim. It’s like the console of our sim if you will..a dog level consciousness could never run the same sim as that of a human. Similar to how an Atari could never hope to run a ps5 game. Right now we are plugged into this current sim by default just existing to perpetuate existence, So I think we are here indefinitely UNLESS we learn the secrets to enlightening our consciousness and also building realities which we practice in dreams. To add I believe that if we reach that point then we gain the ability to keep our memories when we go off into our self-created sim, because it’s like what would be the point of doing all this work and then losing your memories? Fond memories are so special and “bad” ones are our lessons for what not to build in the new sim lol BUT if you come back here it’s like a hard reset, which is why we can’t see memories from our past life (maybe small glimpses of leftover data but typically never the full thing) My comment was so long lol but thank you for sharing your insight!! 🖤

  • @bro2917
    @bro29174 ай бұрын

    Do you believe in Ghosts or Spirits? 01:10 I dont believe in ghosts, but I totally believe that there is more out there that we cant see/understand. There's multiple recorded phenomena all over the world and spanning multiple generations/civilizations that tell us about various forms of reincarnations and "out of life" experiences. The most recent ones I know of is the research done into kids around the age of 3 being able to recall their "previous" lives and tell stories of who they were before, where they lived and even recall people from that life. Some of these has been confirmed in studies. Are we in a Simulation? 01:31 I dont think we are 0 and 1's but we could very well be part of a bigger experiment done by beings much more advanced than us. They could have tampered with us and constantly reset us when they are ready to go to the next level of testing. That could explain why we as a civilisation has "dementia" and why we have 0 clue on who actually created the pyramids or how old they are. Or in general, why we have so many ancient civilizations that just got wiped out and resetted. Do we have free will or is everything set in stone? 04:01 I do think we have free will, "god" is dead (our alien overlords have abandoned us) Do you believe in reincarnation? 05:04 In some forms yeah, maybe.. its an interesting thought Was 9/11 an inside job? 07:15 100% the timing of the renewed insurance policy on the towers right before they fell is too suspicious imo. Do you believe in the mandala effect? 08:31 I totally do, deja vú' are memories from a different frequency/timeline running alongside our own and mandela effect are lingering memories from one of these other timelines. Btw I spiced up my crazy a bit in my answers :D

  • @fearsteez


    4 ай бұрын

    Love your take on the mandela effect! I actually mentioned deja vu in the convo I was having, and I agree that it’s like an overlapping of the multiple realities..either you are in the same place along multiple timelines OR you are in place that you have been before in a other timeline. Your deeper consciousness knows this, but your logical mind can’t seem to process why this instance feels so familiar!