We Can Worship By Putting Our Hope In God | FBC kids | First Baptist DeLand

Hey everyone! Can you believe it’s already August and back to school season?
Here’s a look at what we’re learning for this month.
From the northern lights to the great barrier reef, our world is full of so many incredible wonders! In this four-week series, will explore the natural wonders of the world while learning from the book of psalms about how all of God‘s creation is evidence of how wonderful our Creator is. Each week, will invite kids to worship because of all the “wonder - full” things God has done, by putting their hope in God, asking for God‘s help, remembering what God has done, and living for God!
Maintaining our sense of curiosity takes work. It’s often more comfortable to be confident and certain than it is to ask questions or to try and learn new things. But have you ever stopped to think about all the discovery and joy we might be missing out on if we lose our sense of wonder? Let’s talk about how we can regain our curiosity by asking more questions.
First Baptist DeLand
Julia Osterhout, FBC Kids Director
725 N. Woodland Blvd. DeLand, FL 32720
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