We are the IMPROVables!!!!!

This is our graduation from Anubis Improv’s Improv for actors course. It’s 3 levels. We started in January of 2020 with Level 1. Level 2 was in February 2020. We started Level 3 in March of 2020 but something made us stop. What was it? 🤔 … oh yea. The worldwide Pandemic 😷!!! 🤬
But our teacher , David Hamilton, kept us going with bi monthly meetings online. It wasn’t formal classes but we’d discuss certain points of improv then do some long form scenes.
Then as people started getting vaccinated & the quarantine lifted, we finally finished level 3 in person June of 2021. But. It was decided to gave our recital in the classroom at Jim Gleason’s Working Actor’s Studio in Metairie, La instead of a venue with a stage or a bar so we could make sure everyone was vaccinated. It was just friends and family .
(Not sure if you can hear it on the video, at one point there is a noise coming from outside , maybe someone vacuuming upstairs. You’ll know when.)
