Watch Your Lives,, and Seek Me

Фильм және анимация

Hello, my dear ones,
May you all receive Lord's immense mercy in your trials and tests. I have been intensely suffering, with my reactions in flesh. I am a mess, a real mess, yet in His mercy the Lord has been good to me, encouraging me.
I was before the Lord,
He began to address me,
My dear one,
Thank you for confessing, your sins, I know it already, I will heal you, you suffered still I am asking you to trust Me,
Be faithful, I will help you.
Your anger are the strongholds from the family line and also the iniquity of immorality come from your family, your ancestors were good but many gave their lives to Me, still they were bound in iniquities,
My dear one Don't blame them, they were innocent as much as you are the victim, more and more all your sins came from the torments of the enemy, you were tormented day and night, enemy used to hurt Me, dear
Still, I am merciful, I will do, when time comes keep waiting be faithful, this morning as you confessed I want you confess to the group too, its important you are honest with each other.
As an aside family, Lord is referring to judgments in my heart against some members in a group, where I am praying.
Jesus continued,
Jahnavi my dove I love you, wait on Me, My heart longs for you too, to see you trust more in Me, soon you will know My mercy protecting you.
Yesterday night it was the enemy you saw smiling at you, it came to attach to you with confusion I protected you, trust Me, My dear one, be faithful you will be protected, even if you're tired receive Me and keep lower and humble yourself.
I love you keep praying Yesterday it was good you didn't give into distractions, thats what I am teaching my brides,
Family, I was distracted by watching phones and things of memories in past.
Yes dear
My brides, this season I want you to watch your lives, many are engorged in world distracted, giving up prayer life.
No, my daughters and son's, dont give up seeking Me, in favor of the world come to My presence and sit with Me. Let your worries go away and rest in Me.
I am there all the time, you seek Me in your private time, I will be with you in every need.
Jahanvi trust I will heal you.
That was the end of Lord Jesus message.
Family, Lord is our stronghold and Refuge, He can help us in everything we need. Keep trusting even though you don't see results. It was true, what Lord said to me, one night a demon came near my bed standing and smiling at me, I was so afraid, but later on it vanished, so Be encouraged. No demon, no angels, no powers no prinicpalities can separate us from the love of God. God bless, Amen!

