[Wakayama] Mount Koya, a sacred place of prayer established by Kobo Daishi Kukai

Mount Koya is a sacred place of prayer founded by Kobo Daishi Kukai.
Mount Koya is divided into three main areas: Danjogaran, Kongobu-ji, and Okunoin. Danjogaran is the main training center of Esoteric Shingon Buddhism founded by Kobo Daishi Kukai. It is lined with halls and many Buddhas are enshrined. Kongobu-ji is the head temple of Koyasan Shingon Buddhism, where ceremonies and memorial services are held. Okunoin is the center of faith in Kobo Daishi. The approach to the mausoleum where Kobo Daishi is enshrined is covered with thousand-year-old cedars and lined with many memorial towers.
This time, we visited Danjogaran and Okunoin, and would like to introduce them to you.
We would appreciate your comments on any scenic spots you may have.

