王榆鈞 Wang Yu-jun|駐留藝術家二〇一九 Artist-in-Residence 2019


二〇一九年十一月,台灣音樂創作人王榆鈞在香港駐留了二十天,雖比原計劃縮短了三分之一時間,但在這段短短的日子裡,榆鈞可謂與香港患難與共,與我們經歷了一段意義深遠的 「燦爛時光」。
在駐留計劃的前半段,榆鈞主要在香港不同地方收集材料,進行初步研究。她跟隨詩人飲江的腳步,同遊他現居的坪洲,和舊時前紥根的中環,一邊聽他分享詩、詩的到來和生活故事,一邊做聲音採樣;在沙頭角文化生態專家李以強的帶領下,探索香港邊境地區,立於古洞大石磨看深港分隔線、殖民時期英軍軍事哨崗及兵房,親身在日軍機槍堡戰壕裡行走,體會香港邊界的演變,感受到香港的歷史發展軌跡;穿梭沙頭角、香港逸東酒店Eaton HK、西九文化區,觀看不同本地和國際的音樂單位表演,更於11月15日晚上,於Eaton舉行一場小型演唱會。
Working as a singer-songwriter, theatre sound designer as well as film and poetry music composer, Wang Yu-jun has been oscillating between images and sounds in her personal explorations and collaborations in film, theatre, dance and beyond. In November 2019, she was jointly invited by the Festival and the Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center for a short-term residency in Hong Kong, during which she has sampled noises, sounds, imageries of the everyday Hong Kong, met with image makers, writers, musicians from Hong Kong and abroad, and delivered a heart-warming solo concert "A Beautiful Time".
This is as a record of her 20-day residency, which serves as a "prelude" of the Final Showcase of the Photographer Incubator, a multidisciplinary performance that she is developing with the participants as well as other fellow guest mentors of the project.
#HKIPF #香港國際攝影節 #王榆鈞 #WangYujun #PhotographerIncubator #新一代影像創作者育成計劃

