Vik Muniz: Surfaces

Our exhibition ‘Vik Muniz: SURFACES’ opens on 22 November at our Hong Kong gallery and features new works from Muniz’s most recent series, 'Surfaces', which explores concepts of perception, reality, representation and materiality.
The 'Surfaces' works invite the viewer to question what lies beneath the surface and explore the dichotomy between the physical object and its depiction, stimulating and expanding the expectations of one’s visual repository. ⁠

Vik Muniz: SURFACES⁠
22 November 2023 - 27 January 2024 ⁠
201 The Factory, 1 Yip Fat Street, Hong Kong ⁠

#VikMuniz #Muniz #surfaces #perception #reality #representation #materiality #photography #collage #contemporaryart #cubism #fotografia

