very real first episode of BFB!!!111!!! || Battle For Beatrice || real

is it just me or does the video look greenish LIKE IT LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE I PUT A FILTER OVER IT WHEN I SWEAR I DIDN'T💔💔 I think I'm going insane idk if it's my glasses but istg I see like half green rn I can't explain it but hel /gen like I can barely even see rn I might go blind tomorrow & js see all green (/j)
idc if it's not April Fools anymore for you I only have like less than an hour left until April 2nd😒😒
there's like a better written script for this but I was way too lazy & wanted to be done with ep. 1 kinda
soooooo context to the episode: soo obv there first challenge was to walk across a rope without falling down & the last team to do that gets eliminated. MD & Tree were just like lazy ig and they just sat around doing nothing so obviously Book got mad & yelled at them. Why did I choose BW to get eliminated? Well, I don't actually know I just felt like it😇 Trust me there's gonna be like a lot & I mean A LOT of angst & lore to this stupid object show🤯 (its ironic bc this show was literally gonna be a funny joke at first but now I want the worst to happen to my characters /hj /lh)
okay by
