VEJER DE LA FRONTERA - Aerial Guide through one of the Most Beautiful Spanish Villages

The village of Vejer de la Frontera in the south western part of Andalusia is hands down one of the most beautiful of the Andalusian villages that make the list of Los Pueblos Mas Bonitos de España.
For example, we visited this village at the end of January and you can see how green it is during the coldest month in Spain. So it's easy to believe that it is beautiful to visit 365 days a year.
Slightly bigger than most the villages on the list, there is an older part of town and a newer part.
To be honest, at this point having visited 30% of the most beautiful villages in Spain, it's very hard to pick a favorite. Yes there are some that are maybe not worth the detour, yet Vejer is not one of them. If you are anywhere within 100km of here and don't make a detour to go visit, you will have really missed out on something special.
The streets through town are littered with flowers, palm-trees and that typical white Andalusian style. It's gonna have you reaching for your camera often to snap loads of photos.
Free parking is also available if your willing to walk an extra couple hundred meters!😉
Easy to follow directions below

