v0.9.5 Police & Friends Update | Mafia Thief


v0.9.5 features & fixes:
- Pedestrians no longer call the police when knocked out
- Pedestrians rotate head to player
- The resolution is loaded and displayed correctly after a restart
- When opening the quickslot, the player no longer runs
- Significant lighting improvements
- New safe cracking minigame
- Fixed drone bugs
- Cars can run over you now
- Crosshair gives interaction feedback
- RTX buttons + language buttons are loaded
- new items in the loot table
- Eye icon is now only displayed when resident is marked
- Residents no longer block each other
- You can now knock out residents by throwing bricks
- You can now exit the quickslot with [Q] & [ESC]
- Updated quickslot UI
- New UI Animations (Level up, Quickslot)
- Police officer follows you now
- Police car drives to location
- New "Free Mode"
- Added social media icons in main menu
- Added backpack
- Changing shoulder view [CTRL] + [Q]

