UTS Law Students' Society: Witness Examination Tutorial

UTS Law Students' Society presents the Witness Examination tutorial video.
In Witness Examination, advocates for both the prosecution and the accused obtain relevant and admissible evidence from the witness that will be called in support of their case. This is known as examination-in-chief. Following examination-in-chief opposing legal representatives cross-examine that witness in attempt to undermine the veracity and plausibility of the account given by the witness in examination in chief.
There will finally be an opportunity for the party calling the witness to re-examine the witness over matters that have arisen in the course of cross examination. A witness examination is just a 'snapshot' of the questioning part of a trial.
This video demonstrates some techniques students can utilise in the competition. Interviews from members of the legal profession and past student competitors allow for an insight in order to succeed in the competition and how you can improve your cross examination technique.
