USA Hypocrisy Idea - Libyan US-led coalition clusterbomb

Operation odyssey dawn struck with quick might. France and Britain campaigned for the military offensive into Libya, but it was America that led the way.
In six days, the US-led coalition has fired hundreds of Tomahawk missiles against Muammar Gadhafi's tanks, compounds and Libyan air defenses.
Nearly one week after waging war, no country has been able to clarify a clear goal or exit strategy for Libya. US and Western allies sold the humanitarian intervention as a means of protecting Libyan civilians from Gadhafi's firepower, but coalition strikes are now being blamed for mounting casualties.
"We have not choices. Only victory or death. We have no other reason to live," said a Libyan woman whose relative was killed in the crossfire.
There is also little sign of anti- Gaddhafi forces gaining much traction with only a few government forces switching sides.
