US-Arthas Mass Raid on Stormwind Fashion Show 3/16/12


DE Azeroth owner Keelhaul or the "Mogfather" decided to hold a Fashion Show and not invite the horde. But being the Arthas Horde we are we decided we'd invite ourselves ;). They showed up late but we still took over Stormwind keep for about 30 minutes and killed the king!
After about 20 minutes 3-4 raid groups left and we eventually lost the keep. Anyway it was fun to finally bring some world PvP back to arthas!
Thanks to Everyone who helped out and all the guilds that got it organized with their guilds
In the Meantime
and many others I cant remember off the top of my head atm
Didn't count how any people actually showed up but there was about 5-8 somewhat full raids that showed up. Im gonna say about 200-300 people in total from Horde side, don't know how many from alliance. All together we were successful in lagging Stormwind for about 20 minutes ;)

