Unreal Engine 5 - Diablo like Inventory part. 2


Trying to replicate Diablo II inventory functionality.
Functionality (so far):
- Persistent Inventory (not re-created every time you open it)
- LMB functionality (click to pickup/place/drop item). No drag & drop!
- Item Swapping, works for both inventory and equipment (no additional checks yet, you can place armor on you head, etc.)
- Automatic widget size scaling (when moved and slotted), can be turn on/off (for moving)
- Part Customizable Equipment slots (single widget for all slots). Easy change type with drop down menu, sizes are predefined right now (but can be changed easily via handle function)
- Auto Refresh Equipment slot
- Auto Refresh Inventory slot
- Drop item functionality (only when cursor outside inventory window)
- Equipment slot background image updated when item equipped (just like in Diablo 2)

