Unlocking young people's potential

We are London Youth: a charity on a mission to champion and strengthen London’s youth organisations so young people have the opportunities and skills they need to succeed. We do this with and through our members - a network of 600 youth organisations - and at our two outdoor residential centres, Hindleap Warren and Woodrow High House.
Unlock Your Potential event created opportunities for young people to increase their aspirations, open their mind to the different roles available and know they have a place in the sports industry. It was delivered as part of our Sports Leadership Academy and NCS programme with London's Violence Reduction Unit, NCS, StreetGames UK, and League Leaders.
Find out more about how we’re inspiring the next generation at londonyouth.org/what-we-do/sp...
Your support helps build a foundation for lasting change, shaping a confident generation that is empowered to face life’s challenges head-on. Whether you contribute through fundraising, advocacy, or simply by spreading the word: londonyouth.org/support-us/do...
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