Unlimited Edition - Keynote Speaker Kastro Zizo ( St. Francis College, Brooklyn - New York )

Diplomacia Kulturore
“Unlimited Edition” është një seri kulturore dhe artistike ideatuar nga artisti Klevis Bega (Kastro Zizo), si mjet i fuqishësh i diplomacisë kulturore. “Unlimited Edition” synon të forcojë marrëdhëniet shqiptaro-amerikane dhe të promovojë trashëgiminë kulturore bashkë me jetën kulturore dhe artistike.
Me 26 janar 2023, Kastro Zizo (Klevis Bega), Artist i Vitit 2022 dhe President i OJQ-së “E ardhmja ime, e tashmja ime!” mbajti serinë e leksioneve “Edicioni Unlimited” tek Kolegji St. Francis Brooklyn (SFC) në New York.
Kastro Zizo diskutoi për klimën sociale të Shqipërisë, duke përfshirë përparimet më të fundit shkencore, angazhimin e diasporës, OJQ-në “E ardhmja ime, e tashmja ime” dhe roli i Artivizmit - sjellja e ndryshimit përmes Artit.
Organizuar nga “E ardhmja ime, e tashmja ime!” në bashkëpunim me Klubin Rrënjët Shqiptare të Kolegjit Shën Francis “SFC”.
“E ardhmja ime, e tashmja ime!”
New York, 2023
Unlimited Edition is an artistic and cultural series conceptualized by musician Kastro Zizo, as a powerful tool of cultural diplomacy. Unlimited Edition opens the door to a life of unlimited possibilities to unleashing one’s full potential. Unlimited Edition Lecture Series aims to strengthen the albanian-american relations, and to promote cultural heritage, and cultural-artistic life.
On January 26, 2023, Kastro Zizo (Klevis Bega), Artist of the Year 2022 and President of “My future, my present” NGO held the “Unlimited Edition” Lecture Series at St. Francis Brooklyn College (SFC) in New York.
Kastro Zizo discussed the social climate of Albania, including it’s latest scientific advancements, diaspora engagement, “My future, my present” NGO, and the role of Artivism” - making a difference through Art.
Organized by “My future, my present!” NGO and Albanian Roots Club of St. Francis College Brooklyn.
“My future, my present! NGO
New York, 2023
(Video credit: Olsi Beçi Photography)
St. Francis College, Brooklyn - New York
Keynote Speaker Kastro Zizo
January 2023
It was my pleasure to be the guest speaker at the "Unlimited Edition" lecture series organized by the Albanian Roots Club of St. Francis Brooklyn College (SFC) on January 26, 2023 in New York. Thank you for inviting me to talk about the social climate of Albania, including it's latest scientific advancements, diaspora engagement, "My future, my present" NGO, and the role of what I call "Artivism" - making a difference through Art. @imeeardhmja Special thanks to Maliek Sterrett, Director of Multicultural Affairs at SFC for presenting me with the Mayoral Award by Mayor Eric Adams. Many thanks to the wonderful team of ARC of SFC, including Herta Hada, Megi Rama, Alkida Koleci, Albion Veliu, and other ARC members for organizing the academic event successfully.
Të enjten, më 26 janar 2023, ne Kolegjin St. Francis Brooklyn (SFC) @kastro_zizo_ mbajti serine e leksioneve "Edicioni Unlimited" me te ftuar Kastro Zizo (Klevis Bega), Artist i Vitit 2022 dhe President i OJQ-së "E ardhmja ime, e tashmja ime". Kastro Zizo diskutoi per klimën sociale të Shaiperisë, duke perfshire perparimet më te fundit shkencore, angazhimin e diaspores, OJQ-ne "E ardhmja ime, e tashmja ime" dhe roli i Artivizmit - sjellja e ndryshimit permes Artit. Organizuar nga Klubi Rrenjet Shqiptare i kolegjit "SFC", eventi akademik u drejtua nga Herta Hada (prezantuese, Presidente e ARC), Megi Rama (moderatore, Sekretare e ARC), Alkida Koleci (Vice President of ARC and event interpreter) dhe Albion Veliu (koordinator i mediave vizuale).
Pas leksionit, artisti Kastro Zizo u nderua me Certifikatën e Mirënjohjes së Kryetarit te Bashkise te Nju Jorkut nga kryetari Eric Adams. §mimi iu dorezua Klevis Beges (Kastro Zizo) nga Z. Maliek Sterrett, Drejtor i Çështjeve Multikulturore ne SFU. *** On Thursday, January 26, 2023 St. Francis Brooklyn College (SFC) held the "Unlimited Edition" Lecture Series featuring Kastro Zizo (Klevis Bega), Artist of the Year 2022 and President of "My future, my present" NGO. Kastro Zizo discussed the social climate of Albania, including it's latest scientific advancements, diaspora engagement, "My future, my present" NGO, and the role of Artivism" - making a difference through Art.
Organized by the Albanian Roots Club of SFC, the event was hosted by Herta Hada (presenter, President of ARC), Megi Rama (moderator, Secretary of ARC), Alkida Koleci (IT student at SFC), and Albion Veliu (visual media coordinator). After the lecture, artist Kastro Zizo was was honored with the Mayoral Certificate of Recognition by Mayor Eric Adams. The award was presented to Klevis Bega (Kastro Zizo) by Mr. Maliek Sterrett, Director of Multicultural Affairs at SFU. @arc_stc @stcny @nycmayor.. Videographer @olsibeci_videographer
