Unix: How to add a key value pair into a JSON file with JQ?

How to add a key value pair into a JSON file with JQ?
Hey guys! Hopefully you found a solution that helped you!
The Content is licensed under (meta.stackexchange.com/help/l...) CC BY-SA.
Attention! This video does always use the same license as the source!
Thanks to all the great people for their contributions!
(unix.stackexchange.com/users/12574/gilles-qu%c3%a9not)Gilles Quénot
A special thanks goes out to the awesome (unix.stackexchange.com/questions/735757/how-to-add-a-key-value-pair-into-a-json-file-with-jq)Stackexchange community
If anything is off, please write me at sophia DO.T wagner A.T ois42.de
I wish you all a chilled day! Stay safe :)
json jq
