UMF Craiova - tur al campusului universitar

Salutare si bine v-am gasit pe canalul nostru
Azi am revenit cu o nouă surpriză si anume vom merge impreuna într-un tur al campusului
Vă invităm să parcurgem acest drum virtual !
Punctul de plecare este statia de autobuz din fata Spitalului judetean Craiova urmand ca prima destinatie sa fie Corpul A sau Medicina veche. Aici veti gasi Secretariatul studentilor, decanatul facultatii de medicina si rectoratul universitatii de medicina si farmacie din Craiova.
Imediat langa Medicina veche veti gasi Corpul A’ sau Extensia.
In drumul nostru catre Medicina veche vom traversa parculetul, unde va puteti relaxa in pauzele dintre cursuri.
Revenim in statia de autobuz si ne indreptam catre corpul B sau medicina noua, cladire care se afla la doar cativa zeci de metri de statia de autobuz.
De aici drumul nostrum continua, trecand pe langa Caminul 1 si 2, centrul de imagistica si
ajungem la corpul C sau cantina. Va recomandam snitelul de pui si pilaful …sunt delicioase.
Pana data viitoare va rugam lasati un like, dati subscribe daca v-a placut continutul si trimite-ti-l si prietenilor vostri.
Pe curand !
Hello and welcome to our channel
Today we come back with a new surprise. Namely we will go together on a tour of the university campus!
We invite you to take part of this virtual road!
The starting point is the bus station in front of the Craiova County Hospital, followed by the first destination will be Building A. Here you will find the Student Information Office, the dean's office of the medical faculty and the rector’s office of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Craiova.
Immediately next to building A you will find Building A 'or the Extension.
On our way to building A we will go through the park, where you can relax during the breaks between classes.
We return to the bus station and head to body B, a building that is only a few meters from the bus station.
From here our road continues, passing by Student Dorm 1 and 2, the Imaging Center and
we reach body C or the canteen. We recommend the chicken schnitzel and rice…they are delicious.
Until next time, please like and subscribe. If you liked the content send it to your friends.
See you soon !
