UKGE 2024: Redwood, and Magic Maze Tower Previews with Sit Down Games


We speak to Sophie from Sit Down Games all about their exciting new and upcoming releases including the innovative Redwood, as well as the successor to the Spiel Des Jahres nominated Magic Maze, Magic Maze Tower! Sit Down Games did one of our favourites from 2023 with Maps of Misterra, and they are going from strength to strength with a fantastic line up for 2024.
Redwood is a game of movement estimations and angle of view where players have to take pictures of wild animals to compose the most beautiful panorama. The game is for 1 to 4 players, ages 10+ and the games last about 45-60 min. During their turn, each player will have to choose between different movements and their angle of view (materialized by real plastic elements) to catch the animals in the picture (without disturbing them).
In Magic Maze Tower, the adventures of the dwarf, the elf, the barbarian and the magician at the mall were a failure and our (brave) adventurers find themselves prisoners of a tower, or rather, of a high-security prison. They will probably need the help of a 5th hero to help them....The goal of the game is to complete as many levels as possible to escape the prison. Magic Maze Tower is played on a single Level tile, without an hourglass (you can take your time!), without a “do something” token, but the communication is still limited: Speaking is forbidden!
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