UFO - Mysterious Red & White Orbs/Lights Flying over Montreal South Shore

Observation location: Old Port of Montreal
Objects: Five orbs pulsating red lights flying in different directions in the sky above South shore
Direction/Activity area: Between east and south, 70-170 degrees.
Distance: 2-5 KM away
Date: July 15, 2020
Time: Starting from close to 11 pm, last about 30 minutes until I lost interest to track much longer. The weather was a bit chilly with winds on higher floors.
Sky: Mostly clear
Filming Device: Huawei P30
I saw the bigger orb "star" pulsating red light, dim in and out from the window. As soon as I started filming, I notice 2 then 4 more red dots flying on the screen to different directions then return then repeated. At one time four orbs aligned, two or more times two orbs were so close to each other as if they were about to merge.
They can't be shooting stars, satellites, Starlinks, drones, planes for their light and flight patterns. No sound.
The intended second video (after 12') was not recorded due to error, therefore the whole show misses a few minutes.
I got some feedbacks since yesterday in MUFON QC FB group page. There are more witnesses have seen the same lights in QC. An old man saw those silent lights rotating in blue, white and red earlier that night around 10 pm in Laval (north to Montreal), a senior lady next day (white). The differences are observation locations, colors and durations.
Some months ago, I saw a post of same dancing orbs filmed in the UK at dawn. I can't find it. Could someone give me a link so I can compare?
