UCD Hip Hop - TCD Dance Inter-Varsities 2016

University College Dublin Dance Society's Hip Hop entry in the 2016 Irish National Dance Inter-Varsity Championships hosted by Trinity College Dublin in the TCD Sports Hall. This piece placed 3rd at the competition held on Wednesday March 2nd 2016.
Choreography Team:
Adam Stapleton (Choreography Manager), Alesha McCallum, Erin Rooney, Kristina Radits.
Performed by:
Adam Stapleton
Ciarán Murphy
Courtney Bourke
Danielle Byrne
Dayle Morillo
Erin Rooney
John Peter Sastrodemedjo
Kenneth Lomena
Mel Yvonne Adame
Rachel Condon
Terence Bou
Trizha Mag-Aso
University College Dublin Dance Society
5th Session 2015/2016
Auditor - Ciarán Murphy
