UAE's Sultan of Space Al Neyadi spent his first week in space aboard the ISS | Sultan Al Neyadi

Talking to Sheikh Mohammed, hitting the treadmill to speaking to students, this is how UAE's Sultan of Space spent his 1st week on ISS
It’s been a week since UAE pioneering astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi safely arrived at the orbiting International Space Station (ISS) - his home for six months - where he is conducting various scientific experiments in microgravity.
It has been a busy week no less, and Khaleej Times has reported all the highlights and sidelights - from AlNeyadi’s first public call and conversation with His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, from 420km above Earth as the ISS was orbiting at around 28,000 kph; to his ham radio conversation with Dubai students, where he said he had scrambled eggs for breakfast that day; to the moment he took his first selfie with the blue Earth on the background, and his floating tour of the ISS; and to the time he started his experiment harvesting tomatoes in space.
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