Twice Baked Smashed Potatoes

Better than french fries are these twice-baked smashed potatoes. Super crispy and tasty with the Ranch Sauce!
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 1 hour + Second bake of 30-45 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Pantry Items:
4 pounds of Potatoes
EV Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Ranch Sauce:
½ cup Daisy’s Light Sour Cream (120 ml)
½ cup Duke’s Mayonnaise (120 ml)
2 tsp Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with mother)
1 tsp granulated Onion Powder and/or mixed with Onion Flakes
1 tsp dried Mustard Powder
½ tsp granulated Garlic Powder
½ tsp dried Tarragon
½ tsp dried Parsley
½ tsp dried Chives
½ tsp dried Chives
½ tsp dried Dill
Salt and Pepper to taste
Water, optional (May dilute with up to a couple Tbsp of Water if too thick)
9”x13” baking sheet, colander, pastry brush, parchment paper, fork, spatula, small bowl or pint jar, measuring cups and spoons, pastry brush, meat press or weighted pan, food scale (optional)
1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees C).
2) Weigh and wash potatoes. Set aside.
3) Line a 9x13 baking sheet with Parchment Paper.
4) Place potatoes on the parchment paper, allowing space between the potatoes for better cooking.
5) When the oven is up to temp, put potatoes in oven and bake for 45 - 60 minute or until thoroughly cooked through (the more done the better). If a knife inserted into the potato slides in really easy, they are done.
6) Remove potatoes from the oven and allow to cool to room temp. If baking ahead of time, put in refrigerator until ready to continue to the smashing part.
7) While waiting for the potatoes to cool, make the Ranch Sauce.
a) Measure out the sour cream and mayonnaise into a small bowl or pint jar.
b) Combine all of the dried ingredients into a small bowl and mix thoroughly.
c) Add spice mix to wet ingredients.
d) Add ACV apple cider vinegar.
e) Mix thoroughly to combine. Refrigerate until ready to use.
8) Back to the potatoes.
9) Place potatoes on cutting board.
10) Discard parchment paper from baking sheet.
11) Generously oil baking sheet using a pastry brush to spread the oil evenly.
12) Salt and pepper the oil.
13) Cut potatoes into quarters.
14) Using the press, smash the potatoes until they are about ¼” thick.
15) Place smashed quarters on the greased baking sheet.
16) Use addition EV oil and brush the tops of the potatoes.
17) Cover quarters with Salt and pepper
18) Place in 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes until the bottom of the potatoes are golden brown and crispy.
19) Flip all of them over. Bake an additional 20 minutes (or more) until the flesh side of the potatoes are a golden brown.
20) Remove from oven. Top with sea salt (optional)
21) Serve with a dollop of Ranch Sauce.
