Turning a passion into a career | Mark McGriskin, New Jersey

Mark McGriskin always loved solving problems. After visiting McGill and learning about the mechanical engineering program, he felt confident in his decision to move from his home in New Jersey to Montreal.
McGill was the first place Mark felt truly challenged in school. Despite being busy with a full course load, he decided to join the Baja Racing Team, eventually becoming the captain. “It’s almost a full-time job if you’re really implicated,” he says. “But you get as much out of it as you put into it.”
The hard work paid off - the skills Mark picked up became essential when he secured an internship at Pratt & Whitney through the McGill Institute of Aerospace Engineering. After graduation, Mark was offered a position as Procurement Specialist at Pratt, where he still works today.
Mark's advice to new students: "Don’t be afraid to get outside your comfort zone, meet new people, and try new things."
Mark McGriskin, BEng’19, Mechanical Engineering
#MadebyDrive #MadebyDetermination #MadebyMcGill
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Photo credits: Benjamin Jordan / Baja Racing Team

