TUI Snowy Landing in Rovaniemi, Lapland

This was the landing of a TUI holiday flight to the home of Santa Claus, in Rovaniemi, Lapland, located in Finland. Lapland is known for its snow and the approach gave a stunning glimpse at what the trip would look like, with snow covered forests and icy lakes. It was a generally clear day, with some high clouds but good visibility over the area. The landing itself was relatively smooth, but a large amount of reverse thrust was used to slow the aircraft on the potentially icy runway. Rolling along the white taxiways felt surreal, and the cold that hits you when you leave the aircraft was intense. Hope you enjoy the video :)
Rovaniemi, Finland
TUI Airways
00:00 Approach Over Lapland
00:44 Rovaniemi
01:19 Ounasvaara
02:02 Final Approach
02:28 Passing An F18
02:37 Touchdown
03:30 Taxi Along The Snow
05:56 F18 Taking Off
06:05 Welcome To Lapland
