Tubbutec Juno-66: Receive midi note as sequencer/arpeggiator clock


// Reviewing my remix of the Tubbutec Juno-66 manual last night I realized that I hadn’t disambiguated exactly what selecting “MIDI Note” as the arpeggiator or powerarp clock source really meant.
Here I have the Squarp Pyramid sequencer connected from its midi out to the Juno-60’s Juno-66 Upgrade midi in port.
First I put the Juno into powerarp mode (hold key transpose, and engage the arpeggiator) and enter some notes.
Then I press play on the sequencer.
The sequencer is sending C-1 (the lowest possible midi note on the Pyramid) and the Juno receives each of these notes as a clock pulse.
The midi pattern becomes an analog clock and advances the sequence on step per pulse.
This is the holy grail!
I’ve been wondering about, and hoping for a step per pulse midi sequencer since about 1984 when everyone got all midi-happy and somehow we lost a ton of cool functions with the dismissal of analog clocks, arpeggiators, and their relationships with one another.
This is amazing!
I do this all day long with my CSQ-600, CSQ-100, the trigger out of my TR-909, 808, 606 and the new TR-06.
I’ve even hassled Retrokitsdev about how to do this using their RK-02 smart midi cable.
And here it is, a hidden feature of a midi upgrade for the Roland Juno-60 as an option.
I don’t think anything else does this (except for the Mody/Poly upgrade for the Mono/Poly and PolySix, and all the other Tubbutec upgrades.
We need this feature in the forthcoming MC-2-OH-2 as a source to be able to use midi clock and sequences per pulse like an analog clock with all of our midi devices.
I’ve written and posted a lot (a lot) about doing this with analog instruments.
Now we can do it with midi.
I am delighted.
I will revise my Juno-66 manual tonight and upload the new version shortly.
You can download my remix of the Juno-66 User Manual here:

