TRX Clock Press Variation

TRX Clock press variation
This has to be one of my favorite mobility exercises. A great shoulder mobilizer while challenging the core.
How to get started.
1. Begin by fully lengthening your suspension trainer. Stand facing away from the anchor point and establish your active plank.
Goal: to move through full ROM, so be sure to set a body angle with moderate to lightly load.
2. Imaging your sternum the fulcrum of a clock. The crown of your head points to 12 and your feet at 6.
3. Establish your chest press. Both elbows bend, lowering your chest toward the flow while maintaining an active plank (especially a neutral pelvis)
4. Test the clock press be extending one arm (lets choose the right arm) to 3 o’clock.
What to look for: - left elbow stationary in the chest press position - wrists neutral - straps Not scraping arms - equal weight in both feet - hips and shoulders square facing away from the anchor point - shoulders away from wars - active plank
5. If the above standards remain add on the arm sweep. From 3 o’clock to 6 o’clock. From 6 o’clock all the way up to 11 o’clock and then press both arms out to starting position.
What to look for: same as bullet point #4
What to feel: -legs engaged - equal weight in the balls of your feet’s - Scap J - core bracing -breath flowing - chest stretch/ strengthening sensation (you might also feel this down the working bicep)
Remember: mobility doesn’t =easy. You want to challenge yourself at an intensity that you can work through big full range of motion while maintaining your standards and breathing. Allow yourself to build upon this movement over time.
To challenge yourself: change your foot position for less stability
