True Nature - Squirrelflight & Alderheart - Warrior Cats Mini PMV / VENT

EDIT: Due to people who don't know how to respect a different opinion about the characters, I have turned off the comments to prevent the war from continuing. However, I want to thank those who respectfully commented their opinion and those who gave me words of support, I love and appreciate you so much!
Audio: • Moral Orel - Nature //... (minute 9:34)
Designs by me.
Squirrelflight's story makes me feel identified, because my mother and I went through a situation like this.
My mother and I were victims of verbal and emotional abuse by my father. Since I was little I saw my mother and father fight loudly and he insulted us (He cheated on her, humiliated her, and scared her so much that she forgot the emergency number - which at that time in Mexico was 066). Once, he wished that I would disappear (you know what I mean.)
My mother put up with that abuse so that I wouldn't grow up without a father, but I think I would have preferred to grow up without a man like that.
However, one day she had enough, and we finally got away from my father (and in fact, we will be leaving this town soon).
So when I heard this audio, I decided that I would do this. I hope you enjoy it and you know how to identify the red flags and not ignore them. Thank you for reading.
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