Trinity Monday 2021 - Announcement of Fellows and Scholars

Trinity Monday 2021 - Announcement of Fellows and Scholars
The election of new Fellows and Scholars was announced by the Provost on Trinity Monday (26 April 2021) at 10.00 a.m. from the steps of the Public Theatre.
Four Honorary Fellows, Eight Professorial Fellows, Thirteen New Fellows and Seventy Three New Scholars were elected in 2021.
Trinity College Dublin was founded as a corporation consisting of the Provost, the Fellows and the Scholars. Scholars are elected annually in various subjects on the result of an examination held in Trinity term. Scholarship or research achievement of a high order is the primary qualification for Fellowship, coupled with evidence of the candidate's contribution to the academic life of the College and an effective record in teaching.
Dr Patrick Prendergast, Provost of Trinity College Dublin
