Travelling to Zante - Zante 2020 - Rep Route Working Holidays

In the midst of the world falling apart all around us with the impacts of what shall widely be regarded to as the most economically devastating pandemic in history, after weeks of consultation we made the decision that: the show must go on!
Travel to the popular party resort of Laganas, Zante in a normal year is as straightforward as booking and catching your direct flight to the island. In 2020, this all changed. Many of the resort's regular workers, desperate to escape the cold of the UK and enter the sun shine paradise of Zante, were forced to use alternative routes to reach their destination.
In Team Rep Route's case, our team met up in Luton for the first time, before embarking on a journey to what became one of the weirdest yet most enjoyable summers to date! Whilst the UK media were bombarding newsfeeds with negative dross and a variety of unorthodox changes to the law / how to live the island of Zakynthos was a different picture all together.
Here you had fear not and life was as simple as it should be: the bars were busy, popular restaurants continued serving delicious Mediterranean cuisine & clubs were packed to the rafters.
Our Rep Route guests frequently joined us throughout the summer, being greeted by our friendly Rep team, introduced to the rest of the gang and taken on a week full of enthralling events and activities ranging from Bar Crawls, Beach Club sessions, huge boat parties, BBQs, boat trips & loads more!
What could have been the most depressing summer in history was transformed into the best summer of many of our guests lives- it was when we had the chance to reflect that we knew we had done something special, bringing individuals to and island of dreams where they instantly became part of a collective RR family vibe.
Don't just take our word for it, check out what our Zante 2020 guests had to say here:
