Trauma Informed Practices | Part 2 | Reducing Male Suicide

About the speaker:
Dr. Zac Seidler is a Clinical Psychologist, the Director of Mental Health Training at Movember and a Senior Research Fellow with Orygen at The University of Melbourne. Zac has devoted several years to the goal of reducing the staggering male suicide rate, treating and researching men’s mental health with over 70 peer-reviewed articles published. Zac has worked clinically with men of different ages and presentations from adolescents with early psychosis to older HIV+ men struggling with adjustment. Zac has appeared on the ABC, BBC, Sky News and in The Guardian, The Age and Vice for his work.
About us:
The Reducing Male Suicide (RMS) Research Excellence Cluster is affiliated with the Men's Health Research Program at the University of British Columbia. RMS aims to purposefully work across UBC faculties and externally with national and international partners to create and mobilize knowledge to de-stigmatize men’s mental illness and suicidality, reduce disparities in care, and lead effective male suicide prevention interventions globally. (
