Transmania | In His Image Bonus Features

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#InHisImageMovie #TrangenderSurgery #Transition

Пікірлер: 6

  • @gybx4094
    @gybx4094 Жыл бұрын

    There are some genuine transgender adults who have a psychological and biological case for surgery. I just visited a site where the person clearly had authentic dysphoria and they have had surgery as an adult. But I agree there is potent activism and a political agenda amplifying this rare issue of dysphoria. I recommend listening to lesbian feminist Camille Paglia discussing the danger of this phenomenon.

  • @yl5020
    @yl5020 Жыл бұрын

  • @Grokford
    @Grokford Жыл бұрын

    No one who’s happy with their body is going to to want to transition. Transition is not a pleasant process even under ideal circumstances. Sure people might crossdress or experiment but that’s how people are.