Tramway Memento Emneth - Wisbech to Upwell Tram. Unveiling - Interview.

This is Phase 4 of the Wisbech to Upwell Memento project supported by Well Creek Trust and others.
Here we see the unveiling of the Memento carried out on the 4th November 2023 at Emneth. The task of unveiling fell to local resident Norman Paget, a long time supporter of the project. He also shares some of his memories of the Tramway, The Reverend Awdry and the Thomas the Tank Engine characters.
There are two more mementos to be installed which will be sited at Elm High Road (the last for Norfolk) and at the site of the crossing near the old Wisbech East Station (In Cambridgeshire).
Please visit the other videos on this channel showcasing the memento project unveilings of Phases 1-3.
00:00 Wisbeh to Upwell Tram Memento at Emneth Intro
00:54 Norman Paget Interview
04:24 Unveiling
07:50 Norman Paget interview continued
12:57 Outro, Credits and Thanks
13:42 End
Additional interesting sites worth a visit:
• At The Railyard: Wisbe... Model tracking of tram
• Wisbech to Upwell Rail... 1961 film growers special
• BBC Look East - How th... BBC report 50 years
• Phase 1 Wisbech to Upw... Welle Film productions Phase 1
• Wisbech to Upwell Tram... Welle Film Productions Phase 2
• Wisbech to Upwell Tram... Welle Film Productions Phase 3
• The COMPLETE History o... Toby origination
In assisting to record and document the memento installations we have considered and researched a lot of material and the principal architect of the project is historian William (Bill) Smith. He has produced books relating to Upwell, Outwell and the canal system with content relating to the Tram Line. Additional information can also be found on the website for Well Creek Trust the main supporter of the project:
