Training video: Realist Methods for Design and Evaluation - Rebecca Randell (YH-ARC Snapshot Series)

Welcome to another edition of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Improvement Science theme Snapshot series. In this video, Professor Rebecca Randell (University of Leeds) discusses realist methods in the design and evaluation of research.
- Alvarado N, Honey S, Greenhalgh J, Pearman A, Dowding D, Cope A, et al. (2017). Eliciting Context-Mechanism-Outcome configurations: Experiences from a realist evaluation investigating the impact of robotic surgery on teamwork in the operating theatre. Evaluation. 23:444-62.
- Randell R, Greenhalgh J, Hindmarsh J, Honey S, Pearman A, Alvarado N, et al. (2021). How do team experience and relationships shape new divisions of labour in robot-assisted surgery? A realist investigation. Health. 25:250-68.
- Randell R, Alvarado N, McVey L, Greenhalgh J, West RM, Farrin A, et al. (2020). How, in what contexts, and why do quality dashboards lead to improvements in care quality in acute hospitals? Protocol for a realist feasibility evaluation. BMJ Open 2020. 10:e033208.
Further reading
- Pawson R, Tilley N. (1997). Realistic Evaluation. London: SAGE.
