Trailer Flirt with Reality by Another Kind of Blue Oct 2018 - July 2019


Flirt with Reality consists of five choreographies: three new works, a renewed version of the popular Blue Journey (with which David reached the final of America's Got Talent in 2014) and new work based on the piece Painting that David made for Introdans in 2017. Middendorp knows how to combine live performance and virtual dance in a unique way like no other. He is fascinated by technology and especially by the tension between technology and people. Animations, drones, robots, film and music play a special and equal role with the dancers. Middendorp integrates technology and dance, allows these elements to merge seamlessly and harmoniously and creates an alienating world. His unique mix of dance and innovative technology creates an inspiring and renewed dance experience. He makes the impossible possible!
Music : BenAlf - KoB FWT

