Trailer Develop and Market Stress Stress management Workshops


Part 1 - Developing a workshop.
Developing a stress management workshop is as simple as researching the basics of stress management, recognizing that stress is an 80% component of most illnesses, including depression and PTSD. This course is a template for your stress management workshop, Asking fundamental questions about lifestyle and stress triggers and using interactive techniques to prevent, manage and stop unhealthy stress. Positive, good, and negative, bad stress constantly influences our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and minimize the negative stress. This workshop will give participants a three-option method for addressing any stressful situation and a toolbox of personal skills, including using routines and relaxation techniques. Self-Assessment Before getting started, answer the following two sets of questions:
1. Does what you think affect your body?
2. Can the improper handling of stress cause illness in your body?
3. Can properly using your mind and spirit improve your health and well-being? To demonstrate the effect of the mind on the body, I would like a volunteer to come up front for a demonstration. (Have volunteer face the group, put out dominant arm and hand to the right or left at shoulder level. Have the volunteer think a sad thought and continue that thought, and resist as you push down on the arm. The arm is easy to push down, showing a noticeable loss of strength. Do the same thing, but have the volunteer think a happy thought and resist. The difference is obvious.) It appears that if a sad thought can cause one to lose power in their arm, it follows that day after day, week after week, month after month, sad and negative thinking can cause harm to one's body. The wise man of Proverbs realized the relationship between body, mind, and spirit, for he wrote, "A cheerful heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit makes one sick." (Proverbs 17:22)
Part 2-Marketing your workshop
The workshop discusses marketing to local governments, corporations, and colleges. There is no limit to the number of opportunities available to market a stress relief workshop. This workshop will give you a step-by-step guide with specifics on how, who, and when to market your workshop.

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