Tracy Kujawa highlights Angel Heart Farm, serving children battling cancer using equine therapy

Host Jeremy C. Park talks with Tracy Kujawa, Founder and Director of Angel Heart Farm, who shares how her love of horses and own personal battles with cancer led her to create the nonprofit organization to serve children battling cancer and their families using equine assisted therapy in conjunction with their medical treatment at no cost. During the interview, Tracy talks about the power of equine therapy and its ability to reduce stress and incidents of depression while building confidence, creating moments of joy and allowing healing for the body, mind, and spirt. The farm allows families to be loved and cared for, and provides an outlet for peace and calmness during a difficult time in their lives. Tracy talks about their partnerships with the different children's hospitals and how they are able to impact the youth and families. She shares the story of Lane and his favorite horse, Felix, who competed recently in a horse show and won three ribbons, one of which was First Place. Lane has now finished his treatment for brain cancer and is back in school, living life cancer free. Tracy also shares how some of the children lose their battle with cancer, but the relationship with the family and their help and support never end. Tracy introduces their new art program for the children and their siblings, creating equine related art projects they can take home and display, and highlights their miniature horse, Buddy, who can be seen often out in the community. She wraps up with ways the community can get involved and support their efforts.
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